Isolation, Abuse, Addiction

May 5, 2020



Open communication and bold access have been key components to staying connected with students. Appointments, small groups, and even Trivia Tuesday’s have created an environment where students are engaged via social media. It is a tricky time for not only teens but everyone with an increasing need for connection through screens. Knowing this was already an issue beforehand, now it is prevalent. YFC is dedicating week-long prayer focus over this season. Here are the topics you can partner with in prayer: ISOLATION, ABUSE and ADDICTION.

During a zoom appointment with two senior students, we addressed these issues head-on. As they began to open up about home life, I discovered one student had moved out of the house and left three siblings behind, with the oldest being 15. The mother left a couple of days prior, leaving them home alone. My heart sunk in that moment, but I know she is going to be a strong example for her siblings. God is doing a mighty work in the life of these seniors.

Luke 18 reminds us Jesus loves children. In verses 27-30, Jesus is reassuring Peter about following Him, Jesus replied, “Listen to my words: anyone who leaves his home behind and chooses God’s kingdom realm over wife, children, parents, and family, it will come back to him many more times in this lifetime. And in the age to come, he will inherit even more than that — he will inherit eternal life!”

As we continue to approach the ‘age to come,’ hold fast to Jesus’ words. Pray over the topics mentioned and be reassured that our efforts are being rewarded!

Jessica Burch

Manchester HS Campus Life Director