“I Could Use Everyone’s Prayer.”

May 1, 2024


One evening, everyone in our small group shared who God was placing on our hearts to share Jesus with. One student shared,

”To be honest, I would like to add myself to the list. This year has been really hard on me with mental health and I feel like it has affected my relationship with God. Meeting like this helps, but I would like to have accountability and I could use everyone’s prayer.”

This vulnerability from a student helped open the floor for us to build relentless trust amongst the small group. We all empathized with Rachel and agreed to pray for her and hold her accountable. Rachel showed a lot of maturity to be able to say she wanted to be a witness to her friends and family, but also recognized she needed to strengthen her connection to the Vine if that is going to be possible! CORE small group is high in challenge and high in encouragement. We are well on our way to building a culture of trust and accountability among the solid group of student leaders we’ve been blessed with!