A few weeks ago, one of our Campus Life Directors recieved a text from a young man who said he was desperate to come over and talk. Clueless as to what the conversation was going to hold this director put his kids to bed and invited the student over. Walking in with tears in his eyes the student sat down full of emotions he had been running from for years. Over the past week he had laid in bed with major side effects due to withdrawal from drugs. These side effects, at points leading him to the hospital to get fluids because of severe dehydration and low blood sugar.
As the two of them sat in the Campus Life Director’s living room, guilt, shame and sorrow poured out from this student in genuine repentance. Beautifully broken, he received the mercy and grace of Jesus once again in his life. Our Campus Life Director traded an evening with his family for a broken night where Jesus made this young man new! It was truly “Holy ground”. Tears of shame turned into tears of recognition of undeserved forgiveness. This young man is now on a path to wholeness for the first time in years. Drugs led this young man to his knees and on his knees he found Jesus waiting! Jesus is still in the transformation business!
It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit and the contribution of our supporters we’re able to be in the position we are to speak into young people’s lives and share the hope Christ has for them. If you currently support or have in the past: thank you. Your support of YFC makes redemption stories like this possible. Thank you for joining with us as we seek to share Christ’s love with the youth of Northern Indiana.