“Now I Care About Going To Church”

May 1, 2024


The following is a letter a Campus Life Director received from a student.

I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me and for welcoming me into Campus Life. I am so glad that you let me attend each week because I honestly don’t know what my life would be without it. I was invited to Campus Life at the perfect time. I struggled with my faith through high school, and I wasn’t planning on seeking out Christ by myself.

The way you talked with us about the Bible and Jesus by talking to us instead of at us was great. I was curious to learn more, so I started reading the Bible every day. I felt like I was beginning to have a relationship with God for the first time, rather than hearing about him through church lectures.

Now I care about going to church. Thank you for helping me get to this point in my life. I have created so many memories and friendships that I would not have had without Campus Life. I will always remember that moment on the porch during the spring break trip when we talked about things we struggled with and you had us pray for the person on our left. It was a very emotional and touching experience for me. You have honestly changed my life and I could not be more grateful.